When I was in my final year of college I suddenly became faced with the question "What do I want to do with my life?" So, I started really delving into finding out what my passion is....and at the end I found it. I also found that in order to do what I really want to do, I have to go back to school and get my masters degree. It's all good...I like school, but in the meantime I need a JOB!
So that is what I have been doing since I graduated...looking for a job...everyday...constantly....endlessly! It is no FUN! I mean, I am a smart, educated, well rounded woman! It should be easy, right? WRONG! In today's economy it is nearly impossible to find a job! I have probably well over 100 resumes circulating the DFW area and more going out everyday! Out of those resumes I have had about 5 interviews and (drum roll please) 0 job offers! I have actually had potential employers tell me that they wouldn't hire me because I was over qualified! Man, now I'm being penalized for having an education? So not cool!
Ok, thanks for letting me vent! So, really all I need is a chance, you know? Today I put in an application to the FWISD to be a substitute teacher. I think it might be a really good fit because I minored in Education in college, I have experience working in a classroom, and since I'll be going back to school in the Fall I won't be disappointing any employers by leaving in 5 months (that is if I have to move for school). So hopefully this will work out. I just need a chance...not to mention I'm broke and I NEED the money. So, every one please keep your fingers, eyes and toes crossed for me!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful that even though I am unemployed, I have never gone hungry and have always been able to pay my bills (even if they were a little late). Thanks to all who were and are instrumental in making that happen.
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