Ok ladies, I know I said my next few posts would be about my favorite health blogs, but I feel compelled to speak on something else that has been holding me back and is bad for my health (huh, I guess this post is sorta health related! ;-). Yes ladies, I am guilty of drinking the Haterade! For my readers who may not have heard of this term, please click here for a definition. The rest of you know what I'm talking about! Can I get an AMEN?!
So it seems that when things are not going so well, I indulge in a big, heaping glass of Haterade. Ladies please tell me I'm not alone in this. You know what I'm talking about right?! You know that girl that, upon sight of her, actually insights a physical response in you?! You see her and all of her "perfectness" and your upper lip starts to curl up in an expression that can only be described as the "I'm so freakin' jealous of you I could spit" look?! C'mon, don't lie...don't leave me out here on this limb by myself! ;-)
This is no new phenomenon. Women have been doing it forever. It sucks, cause when that green eyed monster that lives in the depths of my psyche pops out and rears it's ugly head, I find myself wallowing in a sea of negativity and comparisons! And if your comparing yourself to someone else, you will never win! TRUST ME!!! You'll start comparing everything! She has hair like yours, only longer and less frizzy. She has skin that is clear and as smooth as butter. You both have a great education, only she now has a fabulous career that she loves and is making a truck load of money! And, she has the perfect body! Not a dimple in sight....meanwhile your butt looks like a golf ball! I know what your thinking...there has to be some consolation right? She must have a horrible personality and be dreadfully boring...right?! So you wait for it...and then she opens her mouth and she is nothing less than delightful! She is sweet as apple pie and everybody LOVES HER! Yep, there goes that lip again!
You see what I mean ladies? This is not healthy!!!! If there is one thing that I have realized its that no matter how great you are...there is always someone out there that does it better than you! This is not to discourage you, but to let you know that you don't have to be perfect! We have been beautifully and wonderfully made....Each and every one of us! We have all been given unique and wonderful gifts that make us the outstanding women that we are! It is time that we stopped coveting the lives of others and start being thankful for the blessings that we have been given! Besides, "Covet" is the name of my eyeliner and that is the only green that looks good on me!
Today I am thankful for the realization that what God has for me is for ME...and nobody can take that away! Ladies, love yourselves!!!
So cute! I love your blog Melanie :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Kim! I've been inspired lately! :)
ReplyDeleteomg...this almost brought tears to my eyes. so true and well written. im usually the hatee and not the hater and no matter how hard you try to pls and be nice it only seems to make them hate you more. sad.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous Thank you for the sweet comments and welcome to my blog. If you have not already, please take a look at the new site/home to my blog http://livelovethinkgolden.wordpress.com/. Also, please just keep on being you! You are fabulous, hence why you have so many haters.