Hola Bellas! Como estas? Bien?! Great, so I have been perusing the beauty blogs for quite some time. Most give great little tid bits here and there, but a select few are my go to blogs for all things beauty! One of my absolute favorites is Dominican Enigma's BeautyLogic! DE (what we BeautyLogic Beauties call her) is possibly the most gorgeous woman I have her seen! Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that she is just as beautiful inside as she is out, I might be tempted to pick up my haterade drinking habit again ;-P.
So the first time I stumbled upon BeautyLogic, I spent hours reading and digesting all of her posts! DE has an uncanny knack for suggesting exactly what I need at the time! Its almost scary! As soon as I finished I ran out and bought 3 products that she had suggested and I was not disappointed! I love and am grateful for the fact that DE suggests products that are not only of great quality, but also affordable. In fact, she has started a new post series called "Recession Replacement Thursdays", in which she spotlights suggestions from her faithful readers on how they are replacing some of their high-end beauty items with more affordable options that give comparable results. Loving this! But, because DE is the professional that she is...she also indulges our luxe side with reviews on more expensive products that she feels warrant a shout out...and often times she does giveaways for these higher end products so that her readers can try out these products for themselves! I was actually the lucky winner of one of these giveaways and, once again, I was not disappointed!
Anyone who has read BeautyLogic knows that DE is all about the hair! With her long, flowing, shiny, thick, jet black, gorgeous hair, I have dubbed DE the "Hair Queen". So when, the Hair Queen speaks, you listen! Now, I have been frustrated for years with the fact that my hair would not grow! I mean its as if my hair gets to a certain length and says, "NO, I cannot...I will not go on!" Then one day, as if it were meant to be, I came across this post from DE that has literally changed my hair! Suddenly, my defiant hair that would put on the breaks after reaching a certain length, is GROWING! I could not be more excited! And, DE was kind enough to let us in on a little bit of her hair routine...
The thing I love most about DE and her BeautyLogic Blog, though, is her spirit! DE not only wants you to be beautiful outside, but inside as well! She believes in empowering women, and encourages us to never stop learning and to never give up on our dreams! DE is an aspiring reporter and I have no doubt that she will accomplish her goals! Check her out in action! Look out for this bella on a television near you!
Today I am grateful for the inspiration to follow my dreams and the helpful hints to look fab while doing it!
I was having such a bad day today. Mr. DE and I got into such a fight. But you just made me feel a lot better. you my dear are a sweetheart. Thanks for the love. Hugs,