Hola Bellas! I'm excited to tell you that Think Golden has been moved to a new site! I think the new site is a bit more user friendly and I am really digging the new look! The name has now been changed to Live, Love, Think GOLDEN! Don't worry, you'll still find the same up uplifting "light at the end of the tunnell" messages, helpful hints, and embarrassing personal stories! I hope you likey as much as I do!
Today I am thankful for all of my faithful readers and subscribers for giving me the inspiration to write this blog! You mean sooo much to me and you have all touched my life!
With Much Gratitude,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Ok Beauties, Lets Get Logical!!!

Hola Bellas! Como estas? Bien?! Great, so I have been perusing the beauty blogs for quite some time. Most give great little tid bits here and there, but a select few are my go to blogs for all things beauty! One of my absolute favorites is Dominican Enigma's BeautyLogic! DE (what we BeautyLogic Beauties call her) is possibly the most gorgeous woman I have her seen! Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that she is just as beautiful inside as she is out, I might be tempted to pick up my haterade drinking habit again ;-P.
So the first time I stumbled upon BeautyLogic, I spent hours reading and digesting all of her posts! DE has an uncanny knack for suggesting exactly what I need at the time! Its almost scary! As soon as I finished I ran out and bought 3 products that she had suggested and I was not disappointed! I love and am grateful for the fact that DE suggests products that are not only of great quality, but also affordable. In fact, she has started a new post series called "Recession Replacement Thursdays", in which she spotlights suggestions from her faithful readers on how they are replacing some of their high-end beauty items with more affordable options that give comparable results. Loving this! But, because DE is the professional that she is...she also indulges our luxe side with reviews on more expensive products that she feels warrant a shout out...and often times she does giveaways for these higher end products so that her readers can try out these products for themselves! I was actually the lucky winner of one of these giveaways and, once again, I was not disappointed!
Anyone who has read BeautyLogic knows that DE is all about the hair! With her long, flowing, shiny, thick, jet black, gorgeous hair, I have dubbed DE the "Hair Queen". So when, the Hair Queen speaks, you listen! Now, I have been frustrated for years with the fact that my hair would not grow! I mean its as if my hair gets to a certain length and says, "NO, I cannot...I will not go on!" Then one day, as if it were meant to be, I came across this post from DE that has literally changed my hair! Suddenly, my defiant hair that would put on the breaks after reaching a certain length, is GROWING! I could not be more excited! And, DE was kind enough to let us in on a little bit of her hair routine...
The thing I love most about DE and her BeautyLogic Blog, though, is her spirit! DE not only wants you to be beautiful outside, but inside as well! She believes in empowering women, and encourages us to never stop learning and to never give up on our dreams! DE is an aspiring reporter and I have no doubt that she will accomplish her goals! Check her out in action! Look out for this bella on a television near you!
Today I am grateful for the inspiration to follow my dreams and the helpful hints to look fab while doing it!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Close Your Eyes and Envision Beauty!!!

Hello ALL! I am super excited to kick off my "Favorite Health and Beauty Blog" series with none other than Kimberly Snyder's Envision Beauty Blog! Kimberly Snyder is an entrepreneur, raw foodist, yoga instructor, world traveler, charity promoter, free thinker, do gooder, super woman, and your all around rockstar! Ok ok, I'll admit, I have a bit of girl crush, but seriously this lady is worth the admiration!
I was first introduced to Kimberly through Dominican Enigma of BeautyLogic (more on her in a later post). DE had done a youtube video interview that left me chomping at the bit to check out Kimberly's site...and I was not disappointed. I spent the next three days reading every post Kimberly had written and I was inspired! I have been looking for a way to get my weight under control for years. Not only do I want to look better, but I want to feel better! I want to have the energy to go and pursue my dreams! After, reading I closed my eyes and envisioned beauty! I envisioned myself at my perfect weight, and accomplishing all of my goals with energy to spare. Suddenly, I was introduced to a way of eating that did not seem like a gimmick. No counting calories, no points, no high protein/low carb or morning banana fad diets...just natural, whole, raw foods. Kimberly took the guess work out of eating healthy and made it simple.
Now, I won't lie and say that I am now a 100% raw foodist. Heck, I'm not even a vegetarian, but I have been incorporating a lot of raw healthy vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts into my diet and I have never felt better! And that is what is so great about Kimberly's blog. There is no agenda pushing...just sound advice on how to eat and live a healthier life! There are tons of delicious looking recipes to get you started...her Ultimate Green Smoothie being one of my favorites! Kimberly has also developed her very own skin care product called The Solution, which is fabulous (be on the look out for a youtube review of The Solution very soon)! It is her flagship product which is a host of skin care products in one! AND, 10% of the proceeds from The Solution goes to Project Concern International (PCI) which organizes clean water initiatives, micro enterprise, agricultural education, and life-saving medical relief in Africa, the Americas, and in Asia.
In addition, Kimberly is working on a skin brightening cleanser to be released later on this year and her very own Yoga Video, which was shot on location in Bora Bora (also being released later on this year)!
Yes, Ms. Snyder is living her life like its GOLDEN and I have mad respect for her! If you have not done so already, go to her blog and be enlightened!
Today I am thankful for sound advice and robust inspiration!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Giving Up The Haterade!!!

Ok ladies, I know I said my next few posts would be about my favorite health blogs, but I feel compelled to speak on something else that has been holding me back and is bad for my health (huh, I guess this post is sorta health related! ;-). Yes ladies, I am guilty of drinking the Haterade! For my readers who may not have heard of this term, please click here for a definition. The rest of you know what I'm talking about! Can I get an AMEN?!
So it seems that when things are not going so well, I indulge in a big, heaping glass of Haterade. Ladies please tell me I'm not alone in this. You know what I'm talking about right?! You know that girl that, upon sight of her, actually insights a physical response in you?! You see her and all of her "perfectness" and your upper lip starts to curl up in an expression that can only be described as the "I'm so freakin' jealous of you I could spit" look?! C'mon, don't lie...don't leave me out here on this limb by myself! ;-)
This is no new phenomenon. Women have been doing it forever. It sucks, cause when that green eyed monster that lives in the depths of my psyche pops out and rears it's ugly head, I find myself wallowing in a sea of negativity and comparisons! And if your comparing yourself to someone else, you will never win! TRUST ME!!! You'll start comparing everything! She has hair like yours, only longer and less frizzy. She has skin that is clear and as smooth as butter. You both have a great education, only she now has a fabulous career that she loves and is making a truck load of money! And, she has the perfect body! Not a dimple in sight....meanwhile your butt looks like a golf ball! I know what your thinking...there has to be some consolation right? She must have a horrible personality and be dreadfully boring...right?! So you wait for it...and then she opens her mouth and she is nothing less than delightful! She is sweet as apple pie and everybody LOVES HER! Yep, there goes that lip again!
You see what I mean ladies? This is not healthy!!!! If there is one thing that I have realized its that no matter how great you are...there is always someone out there that does it better than you! This is not to discourage you, but to let you know that you don't have to be perfect! We have been beautifully and wonderfully made....Each and every one of us! We have all been given unique and wonderful gifts that make us the outstanding women that we are! It is time that we stopped coveting the lives of others and start being thankful for the blessings that we have been given! Besides, "Covet" is the name of my eyeliner and that is the only green that looks good on me!
Today I am thankful for the realization that what God has for me is for ME...and nobody can take that away! Ladies, love yourselves!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009

Wow! So it has been a while since I posted and there have been a lot of changes in my life! As you all know, I had been applying to grad school. Well, things happened...money issues...time sensitive situations...and going to grad school this year just did not work out. Needless to say, this did not do much for my mood. School was the one thing that I had been looking forward to. It was kind of the light at the end of the tunnel for me, so when I realized it was not going to happen I became depressed. It seemed like things just kept getting worse!
Finally, I got a ray of sunshine....I got a job! After months and months and months of searching, I finally got hired...making slightly more than minimum wage! I must admit that it is a bit humbling to be a college graduate making minimum wage, but it is certainly better than nothing! I guess I can't complain.
So there's more! Around the time that I got the job, I decided to go to massage therapy school! Literally, it JUST happened! I came across this article about jobs that are actually prospering even in the recession and Massage Therapist just jumped out at me! I mean I couldn't get it out of my head! So, I started doing some research and requested some info from a few different schools. Within 2 days I had gotten an email from a school in Dallas requesting that I join them for an open house the very next day and they would waive the $75 application fee for attending (great..cause I'm broke)! So, I went and was completely impressed with the campus and the teachers and the people. I applied that night and in the next 2 days I found out that my tuition and fees would pretty much be completely covered! Great!!!
And then the ball dropped! It turns out that the financial aid package I had expected to get was not set in stone. So, when I got my official financial aid award letter it was minus the grant I was told I was getting. I found out that since I already had a Bachelors degree that I was not eligible for the grant
The job is going pretty good though! I have a front desk position at a very well known gym and I'm really excited about that because I am a person who is very influenced by her surroundings. I have found that being in an environment that is health conscious has caused me to pay more attention to how I treat my body and I have been making much better choices lately. Plus, I have a free membership so now I have absolutely no excuse not to work out! Not one! Having this job has also led me to start researching health and healthy eating etc and I have come across many exciting blogs that have inspired me! So much so that I have decided that I want to share this news with you all. So, the next few posts will be reviews of blogs that I have really come to love to read. Most are health related, some are beauty related...but its all related! So, stay tuned!
After being on a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows for the past few months, I am grateful today, to just be on a more even keel. I'm gonna make it...and you will too!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man!
Ok ladies! I am reading Steve Harvey's new bestseller, "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man" and to say that it has been insightful is an understatement! This book gives the ultimate male perspective! Steve Harvey basically gives us ladies a cheat sheet on the inner workings of the male mind! I would like to say that I picked up this book and read a whole bunch of stuff that I already knew...but I didn't! And ladies, what you don't know CAN hurt you!
Its not that it has all been a huge revelation...there is some common sense involved here. But the fact of the matter is men think very differently than women...even more so than I thought! I've learned about what men want, what they need, and how they view themselves as men! I've also learned that I am a Damn Good Woman! I know this now more than ever!
There is one particular chapter in this book that got my attention..."Why Men Cheat". It is the question that we as women have often wondered, but never really understood. We don't understand because we are women and we don't think like men. Its not that women don't cheat...but the reasons that a woman cheats are wholly different from the reasons that a man cheats! According to Steve there are several reasons that a man cheats! And the #1 reason is because they can! Now ladies, if your like me...this doesn't sit well with you! But something else caught my attention even more than this! The reason? It hit home for me. It became personal. It became something I could relate to because I have been through it! And, it was a revelation! In this book Steve writes,
"The moment your suspicions turn into a Law & Order-type investigation, we're (men) going to lie and deny. That's if we care about you. But if not-if a man doesn't see you fitting into his life plan-he won't even bother with all of the covering up and the chitchat after he gets found out. He'll simply tell you that he was sleeping with someone else because..."
A little story about me: My ex and I broke up like 3 years ago! And (you guessed it!) he cheated! I found out through the girl he was messing with. She and I had been friends a long time ago and when she found out about me, she wanted to let me know what was going on. So my response was just to ask him...straight up! It was the day of our one year anniversary (you see at the time I had been a flight attendant and the next time that I saw him after I was given this information happened to be our big day)! Anyway, regardless of the day I had to know the truth...and I had to be able to look him in his eyes when I asked him. He confirmed everything! He told me it was true only after a slight moment of hesitation.
Journey back to present day: WOW! It hit me! I spent one year and one month of my life with a guy who didn't even care enough about me to try to lie to me! Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I know and I wanted the truth, but the point is he didn't even try to deny it! This means that he wasn't even concerned with the prospect of losing me! He didn't see me fitting into his life plan! WOW! I suddenly realized that I was never supposed to be a long term thing. I mean I knew that his mother and his best friend didn't think I was good enough for him because I wasn't, in his words, "part of the Black social elite", but what I did not know was that he felt the same way! I did not know that I was dispensable in his eyes. I did not know that I was temporary. I realize now that he wanted me to break up with him! And when I didn't...when I forgave him because I was just sooo in love (puke!), he became a huge jackass...completely ignoring me until I was fed up enough to do what he wanted me to do in the first place.
Its funny. Knowing this now is actually liberating in a way. It frees me up to understand that it wasn't me...it was him! Believe me, I understand what a good woman I am and I also understand that I am worth making plans for. I just wish he hadn't wasted my time when he knew that I wasn't the one for him. But, hey you live and you learn!
Anywho, ladies get into this book! It is a fun read that is full of insight and helpful tips!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful that I've learned from past mistakes and I'm also thankful that I can acknowledge that I am only human and that I may fall down...but I will always get back up!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ladies and gentleman, we are in a full blown RECESSION! I know what your thinking...DUH!!! It's not as if I did not know...it's not as if I haven't been directly affected by the recession for months now! Still somehow that word...RECESSION...has just sunk in. It's not just me! I am not the only one going through this! It is everywhere! Millions of people are losing their jobs and their homes. Millions of educated people can't find a job to save their lives. We are all in the same boat! Here I was thinking "Why ME?!" As if the world was attacking me personally. As if I had done something to create this mess. But, it's not just me...its everyone! Knowing that it's not just me has freed my mind up to accept the possibility that I am not just some idiot that can't find a job. I am smart! I am capable! I am talented! AND I am DESERVING! It won't always be this way...and for that I am thankful!
A few days ago my Facebook status read, "Melanie doesn't understand why this is happening to her. What is the purpose! Why ME!!!" I was feeling sorry for myself after a particularly dreadful occurrence that I don't wish to relive (although it still needs to be handled). Friends of mine were quick to give me support and encouraging words. But what I was not prepared for was the outpouring of well wishes from people that I've never even met! Now I know that I am not the only person that has people on their friends list that they have never met! C'mon...don't lie! Most of them are Sisters in my sorority from other states that I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet. Other's are people that requested to be my friend who are friends of a friend. Still, other's are people that I have no other connection to outside of Facebook. So, I was somewhat shocked to find that I had two emails from virtual strangers who reached out to me in kindness. Two people whom I have never met, were willing to lend an ear and offer kind words of encouragement! It suddenly clicked...I am not alone in this!!!
Golden Nugget: Today I am sooo grateful for eureka moments and for friends...known and unknown!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Teabagging It!

Ok, ok get your mind's out of the gutter! I'm actually referring to the many benefits of tea! I felt this post was important considering that we are right in the middle of flu season and I know at least 3 people battling with it now. Not to mention I have had my share of stomach ailments lately and I am plain sick of it! Also, I don't like taking a lot of medications! Don't get me wrong...I do take them...I just think that we would all be healthier if we relied more on living healthy lives and natural remedies. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and would never discourage someone to ignore the advice of a health care professional). Having said that...there are alternatives that I myself have used and have found to be effective! And, you guessed it, one of those alternatives is tea!
So, as I have said, lately I have been suffering from stomach ailments ranging from gas to nausea! No fun! As for over the counter meds...I have tried them all! Gas X, Pepto Bismol, you name it! They worked for a while, but never lasted. Now, I have known for quite some time that ginger is effective for treating nausea so I tried ginger tea! Voila....nausea gone! And so was the gas! I've also been known to suck on peppermints to get rid of that icky stomach feeling...and guess what peppermint tea works just as well!
But this stuff doesn't just work on stomach problems...there are many different benefits of tea, many of which are great for the flu and the common cold. So, I implore you, do a little bit of research and discover for yourself the benefits of tea! At best, you'll find something that really works for you...and if not, hey it's tea! What harm can it do?!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful for natural remedies that work! Nature...who knew?!
Monday, February 9, 2009
I'm Back!
So it has been a few days since my last post. It's not that don't have anything to be grateful for....I just needed a break from the computer. But, I'm back! Golden Nugget: And I am grateful! I have great great GREAT friends! Really, they are the best friends you could possibly ask for! Always there for me and I love them! So, thanks you guys!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Out With The Old, In With The New!

So I have been itching for something new and exciting! Something different! So....I colored my hair! Ha! It's not dramatic by any stretch of the imagination, but its new to me...and I like it! And, I did it myself! It's color is affectionately called 'Chocolate'. Of course on me you can really see the red undertones, but its all good! I just needed a change. Only now I really need something to give me some shine! Any suggestions? I was thinking of trying an apple cider vinegar concoction that is supposed to really get rid of all the residue on your hair that makes it dull...but that would probably just strip the color out of my hair. So any suggestions for restoring shine to color treated hair? Anyone? Ok well, just let me know in the comments!
Golden Nugget: Today I'm thankful for newness!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sniffing Roses!!!

Today was a day of putting in applications for jobs. I am a lot more optimistic today...I don't know why, but I am. Something is going to happen soon because something has to happen soon! Well, anyway I think tonight is gonna be a night of eating junk food and watching movies. Just cause I wanna!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful for renewed optimism!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Living in The Now

Hello all! I just returned home from my dad's house where I watched the Super Bowl! Ok, I'll admit I really don't know too much about the game...but it turned out to be pretty exciting! My favorite part, however, was watching Jennifer Hudson take the stage for the first time since the horrible tragedy that struck her family late last year. J Hud looked absolutely beautiful and she blew the National Anthem UP!!! If you missed it here it is:
Jennifer Hudson singing the National Anthem:
It was beautiful! Anyway, today was pretty good! I'm starting to read a new book called The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I'm only about 5 pages in, but essentially the book is about awakening to a deeper spirituality by living in the present...really experiencing every moment as its happening. At least that's what it seems to be about so far. Anyway, I'll keep you updated!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful for special time spent with loved ones in the NOW!
No Shame in My Game!
Ok, so it is slightly after 2am and I didn't post yesterday (Jan. 31st). The weird thing is, I feel a little guilty about it. I don't know why...I have nothing to feel guilty for! I fell asleep! I'm allowed to fall asleep! Not only that, but this blog is for me! Its an avenue with which to get my feelings out and give thanks for all that I have and all that HE sees fit to bless me with. And this can hardly be cathartic for me if I go around putting these stringent rules on something that is supposed to be FOR me! I must realize that life is going to happen...It is not realistic to think that I will have the time to post EVERY day. Most days...probably. But I shouldn't feel guilty when I can't. So, I am officially letting myself off the hook that I put myself on.
So anyway, yesterday was an ok day. I went out to eat with one of my best friends and then I came home and fell asleep hard! I really wish that I had more energy. I know what I need to do. I need to get some exercise and start eating healthy. Still knowing better and doing better are two very different things. Lately though, I have been feeling REALLY lethargic. I don't know if I'm sick or if its just all in my head...but I don't feel like myself. I really want to feel like me again. This is one of the many things that I am praying about.
Golden Nugget: Yesterday (and today) I was (and am) thankful that I am able bodied and can do the things that I need to do...and I have faith that I will be provided the motivation to do them.
So anyway, yesterday was an ok day. I went out to eat with one of my best friends and then I came home and fell asleep hard! I really wish that I had more energy. I know what I need to do. I need to get some exercise and start eating healthy. Still knowing better and doing better are two very different things. Lately though, I have been feeling REALLY lethargic. I don't know if I'm sick or if its just all in my head...but I don't feel like myself. I really want to feel like me again. This is one of the many things that I am praying about.
Golden Nugget: Yesterday (and today) I was (and am) thankful that I am able bodied and can do the things that I need to do...and I have faith that I will be provided the motivation to do them.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Laughter: Food for the Soul!
So, today was a little better! I certainly got a laugh! This morning I woke up to the sound of whimpering coming from one of my dogs. So I got up to investigate only to find both of my dogs stuck together! Scratching your head? Well it seems that my female long haired chihuahua (Dee) is in heat and my male chihuahua/Pomeranian looking dog (Bullet) was more than happy to engage her in some morning doggie nookie. Only, she clamped down and he got stuck! Oh, but that is not even the funny part! The kicker is Dee has a good 15 pounds on Bullet and, in an effort to unhook herself, Dee was walking and literally dragging Bullet behind her! Ha! I almost died laughing. It took about 15 minutes for Dee to finally relax enough to turn Bullet loose and when she did, Bullet quickly took to another room to lick himself! Meanwhile, Dee could not have looked more happy or satisfied! I love it! HA!
Anywho...nothing really happened today. Well, I did submit my first grad school application, so that was cool...but other than that, nada! So, I figured I would just give a little random information about myself...in case there is anyone out there who actually cares. Enjoy!
1. I was born and raised in Fort Worth, TX!
2. I have one older brother...(7 years apart)!
3. I have an irrational fear of vomiting...seriously it freaks me out just thinking about it!
4. I also have an irrational fear of losing all of my teeth!
5. I love green tea ice cream!
6. I often overuse the exclamation point!
7. I used to be a flight attendant...crazy people fly on planes!
8. I was privileged to be able to go to Albuquerque, NM to help campaign for President Barack Obama. I walked door to door for five days canvassing for change and celebrated with my peers on November 4th when President Obama won the election. We made NM blue!
9. I am not a morning person (ha! no shock there.)!
10. My dream vacation would be to go to Italy and indulge myself in pasta, wine and gelato!
11. I hope to be in grad school by this Fall at a particular institution on the east coast!
12. Several times a day (if I am home) I will go to the refrigerator, open the door, stare at its contents, close the door, and continue with whatever it was I was doing before. Yes, I know I'm weird!
13. I really hate sarcasm! I don't respond well to it!
14. I have an insane amount of nail polish, yet most of the time I don't wear any at all!
15. I can't cook, but I would like to learn!
16. I hate talking on the phone...i would rather talk to you in person or just text (if I can't talk to you in person)!
17. I have 1 tattoo and 4 piercings!
18. I have become obsessed with the wonders of blush! I mean it really wakes up your face!
19. I've been experimenting with colored eye liners...greens and blues!
20. I don't like body washes...I would much rather have the bar of soap!
21. I love to read!
22. I really don't care too much for juices...I find them to be just to sweet most of the time!
23. I'm obsessed with milk bath products. One fave is Burt's Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk Bath Soak...mmmm, it just sounds so nourishing!
24. One of my goals is to take up pilates and yoga this year (and hopefully lose some weight)!
25. The Olive Garden's house Italian Salad Dressing is the best!
Golden Nugget: Today I'm thankful that today was better than yesterday.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I Want That Good Good!

Ok, I am really PMS-ing! Been having a ho-hum day but for some reason everything is getting on my nerves today! I have just been thinking about my life and how it is sooooo different than I imagined it would be. I mean when I was in high school, nothing was impossible! I had the whole world at my feet. I was going to be wildly successful, effortlessly beautiful and insanely happy. I did NOT anticipate being a 26 year old unemployed college graduate living at home with her mommy. Yet, this is my life (and yes, I am all too aware of just how sad and pathetic that is). I didn't think it would be this hard. Everyday I am searching for jobs...everyday I am trying to stay optimistic...everyday I'm wanting to be someone else. And I hate that. I hate that I feel this way. I hate that I'm aware that there are so many people worse off than me and yet I still can't be happy. I hate that I am envious of other people and yet I can't help but to ask, "Why them and not me?" "What makes them sooo special?" Maybe this is my rough patch in life. Maybe this is the time in my life that I have to muddle through before I get to the good stuff. All I know is I need something to change. I was hopeful that 2009 with its new President was going to be like a magic pill that transformed my life. It wasn't. No...today was not a good day.
Golden Nugget: Today I'm thankful that I'm still breathing. I'm thankful that I was able to tick off one more 'rough patch' day...inching closer and closer to the good stuff. C'mon GOOD STUFF!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow Day!!!

Yay for snow days!!! Well, technically it was an ice day, but the result was the same! NO school or work! My mommy stayed home today and we spent the whole day snuggled up on the couch with our dogs, watching t.v.! It was great! AND....my last W-2 came in , so I was able to do my taxes and complete my FAFSA a full 4 days before the deadline! AND...I'm getting a refund! AND...both of my recommenders contacted me and assured me that my recommendations for school will be completed and submitted by the deadline! So, YAY!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful for snow days...when magical things happen! YAY!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Details, Details, Details!!!

As if that was not enough, I have to have recommendations from at least two people and the wonderful people who have agreed to write them for me, have yet to do so. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful to these individuals for agreeing to help me out and I realize that they are terribly busy...its just that I'm starting to get a little nervous. You see, this first school happens to be my first choice and I want everything to be perfect! I NEED everything to go off without a hitch. So I sent a friendly reminder to my recommenders, being careful not to sound pushy but letting them know that time is a tickin'! Anyway that is me right now...worrying about things that indeed I have no control over. I have done what I can...now all I can do is wait.
Golden Nugget: Today I am grateful to the people who think enough of me to write a recommendation for me...and I'm grateful to the brave US postal workers that went out in this treacherous ice storm to deliver the one W-2 that just got handed to me at this moment.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Will Work For Food!!!

When I was in my final year of college I suddenly became faced with the question "What do I want to do with my life?" So, I started really delving into finding out what my passion is....and at the end I found it. I also found that in order to do what I really want to do, I have to go back to school and get my masters degree. It's all good...I like school, but in the meantime I need a JOB!
So that is what I have been doing since I graduated...looking for a job...everyday...constantly....endlessly! It is no FUN! I mean, I am a smart, educated, well rounded woman! It should be easy, right? WRONG! In today's economy it is nearly impossible to find a job! I have probably well over 100 resumes circulating the DFW area and more going out everyday! Out of those resumes I have had about 5 interviews and (drum roll please) 0 job offers! I have actually had potential employers tell me that they wouldn't hire me because I was over qualified! Man, now I'm being penalized for having an education? So not cool!
Ok, thanks for letting me vent! So, really all I need is a chance, you know? Today I put in an application to the FWISD to be a substitute teacher. I think it might be a really good fit because I minored in Education in college, I have experience working in a classroom, and since I'll be going back to school in the Fall I won't be disappointing any employers by leaving in 5 months (that is if I have to move for school). So hopefully this will work out. I just need a chance...not to mention I'm broke and I NEED the money. So, every one please keep your fingers, eyes and toes crossed for me!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful that even though I am unemployed, I have never gone hungry and have always been able to pay my bills (even if they were a little late). Thanks to all who were and are instrumental in making that happen.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Splendiferously Devine!!!
Hi all! I'm feeling much better today (I know you were soooo worried)! So I LOVE to read other people's blogs! I'm particularly into beauty blogs, health and fitness blogs, and spiritual growth blogs. Mainly because these are areas in which I could always use some help! Some of my faves are listed in my blogroll. Sometimes though I can be a bit of a voyeur, and I have to admit that on occasion I indulge myself in blogs that peer into the lives of the bloggers themselves (much like my own). I like how some people can be so completely transparent and forthcoming with whats going on in their lives! It gives me the courage to be that way also. Plus, sometimes its fun to listen to the dish (even if you don't know who the characters are). One particular blog that I have come to really look forward to is that of one B. Scott. B. Scott has a website called LOVEBSCOTT.COM where you can find the latest in celebrity dish! This androgynous man is too fabulous and posts video blogs via YouTube that will literally have you thinking one minute, crying the next, and rolling on the floor laughing by the end of it. His latest post was short but the sentiment was so true:
Obama is President Bi@%#!!!
Ha! I love it! "Kiss my a$$, kiss my a$$, kiss my a$$!" Anywho here it goes:
Golden Nugget: Within the drudgery of everday life, I am thankful to have little moments of escape that make me think, teach me something new, or simply put a smile on my face.
Obama is President Bi@%#!!!
Ha! I love it! "Kiss my a$$, kiss my a$$, kiss my a$$!" Anywho here it goes:
Golden Nugget: Within the drudgery of everday life, I am thankful to have little moments of escape that make me think, teach me something new, or simply put a smile on my face.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Down... But Not Out!

Ok, I am still not feeling well! This is incredibly frustrating! I have been sick to my stomach for the past 3 days! So, after careful inspection of Web MD, I have come to the conclusion that I just might have the flu! No fun!
Golden Nugget: I am thankful that there are websites like Web MD that can help diagnose you and give you tips on how to take care of yourself (especially when you have no money, no insurance and can't afford to go to the doctor).
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tick Tock Tick Tock....

Well, still feeling kinda blah! I have no appetite and my stomach is churning. My mother asked me today if I was pregnant!! "NO MOM!!!" was my response. So, I am not with child, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to be someday. Which brings me to today's post....when is it going to happen for me?
I mean I want to be married and have kids someday and I'm not getting any younger! I know, I know...your thinking "your only 26!" But I am 26 and counting and it seems that every time I turn around somebody I know is getting engaged, married or having a baby! And the kicker is, most of them are younger than me! Meanwhile, I don't even have a boyfriend! Which means that I don't even have the prospect!
I had put myself on this time line when I was younger: I wanted to have my first child by the time I was 30, but I wanted to be married for at least 1.5 to 2 years before the first child (you know to enjoy my husband) which meant that I needed to be married by the time I was 28. Well, you can't plan the kind of wedding I want in less than a year, which means that I need to be engaged by 27....and I am now 26!!!!!! 26 people!!! Which, of course, means that I need to have been in a serious relationship YESTERDAY! Now there is someone special in my life right now...but we're not there yet. He's scared...I'm scared...and my time line has officially gone out the window!
Well, perhaps that is not such a bad thing. I heard somewhere that the best way to make God laugh is to tell Him of your plans. This has to be true because my life has turned out nothing at all like I thought it would. Even so, I have had some good times, met some amazing people, fallen in love twice, and made some life long friends. So, I think what I've learned is to just let go and let God! Which, if you know me, is way easier said than done....but I'm working on it!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful for all those wonderful things in my life that were not planned, but shaped who I am and for all the possibilities of tomorrow!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Stop Your Belly Aching!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
At Laaaaast!!!!!

Hey everyone! I'm still reeling over the events from yesterday! I woke up this morning thinking "Oh my gosh! Barack Obama is my President!" I love it! To be alive to witness that moment was and is thrilling! I'm sure you all share my sentiments...I mean how could you not be moved? I have to say we have a GORGEOUS first family! And the first dance between President and First Lady Obama last night was breathtaking!
Ok, what did you all think of Michelle's dress? I thought it was gorgeous! And Bey did that! Yes she did! I wish I could have been there to see it in person, but I FELT it through the t.v. screen! Yes, it was a long long road to a day that I will remember for the rest of my life!
So, in the spirit of change, I have decided to heed President Obama's plea to us to be of service to others! A good friend of mine told me that it wasn't until she started volunteering that things started turning around in her life. I think it was mostly because through service, her attitude changed and she was given a new perspective. Being of service to others served to shed a new light on her own circumstances. Wow! And just recently another of my best friends told me that she had just started volunteering...and I've never seen her happier! So, I'm gonna do it! I haven't decided what I'm gonna do yet, but I will keep you posted! And if any of you have any ideas, please fill free to comment!
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful for a renewed sense of responsibility to others' and to myself!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Welcome Mr. President!!!

I am filled with pride today! I am bursting at the seams at the mere thought that today was even possible. Today, America saw true change...and oh how sweet it is! I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it! I can remember my African American father telling me as a young girl that I could do or be anything I wanted to be...that I could even be the President! Now I'm only 26 years old, but even back then the notion of an African American becoming the President of the United States of America was unfathomable. Yet today, this great country saw fit to see past the color lines and welcome, what can only be described as the most charismatic, cool, calm and collected President this country has ever seen! I am moved....more than I can express in words! I am inspired....more than I have been in a very long time! I am hopeful.....incredibly hopeful for our future!
President Obama (aahhh that sounds nice!) gave his inaugural speech today and ignited a fire in me! I am pumped! I am ready for the future and for prosperity! What did you think?
Part 1
Part 2
This past year, my brother and I had the opportunity to help with the campaign for change in a swing state. So, we packed up and left on a bus with 31 other people to New Mexico where we would canvass by foot door to door. For five days we knocked on doors, passed out fliers, and drove people to the polls in an effort to win NM for Obama...and we did! Not even blisters on our feet or getting chased by pit bulls would deter us. These 31 people of all different races, ages, genders, religions and orientations joined together for one common goal and affected change in New Mexico! It was one of the best experiences of my life! Here are a few pics from this great adventure:
Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful to be an American....I am thankful to have been able to play a small part in the change that is to come! (Continued prayers go out to Teddy Kennedy).
Monday, January 19, 2009
I Have A Dream!

Happy Martin Luther King Day!!!! Today is a wonderful indeed! Today is a day that we reflect on the history of our country and know and feel just how far we have come. Dr. Marin Luther King was instrumental in the Civil Rights Movement and is a big part of the reason that we have the civil liberties that we have today! Today I got goosebumps as I watched (again) the famous speech in 1963, and I was filled with pride.
Martin Luther King: I Have A Dream
Golden Nugget: Today I am most thankful not only that Dr. King had a dream, but that the realization of that dream has made possible the monumental occasion that will take place in our country's history on tomorrow January 20, 2009. Gobama!!!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Get UP!!!!!

Today was a lazy day. You know one of those days where you do absolutely nothing and feel no guilt for it! I love those days. Everybody needs one of those days once in a while. On this day I was able to sit back in quiet reflection and just be....and then I got bored. :-(
That is the problem with lazy days...boredom sets in and all that reflection starts to make you sick of yourself! So, I turned on the music! I LOVE the new song Get Up by Mary Mary! It is so inspiring! It just makes you, well, GET UP!!!! A little thought provoking and it's fun! So anyway, I got my daily dose of inspiration and a little bit of perspective! Daily Nugget: Today I am grateful for the occasional lazy day which lends itself to much needed inspiration, perspective and a swift kick in the pants! P.S. Have you tried Green Tea ice cream? Oh my gosh it is sooooo good....get into this!
For your listening pleasure:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Life is not fair. I have never felt that more than this past year. It seems that if you are a good person that things should go your way, but that is not always the case. Now I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, good and bad. I am also keenly aware (as people keep reminding me lately) that I am not the only one going through hard times. But how is it that some people are able to handle it better than others?
Seriously, it seems that I am constantly being bombarded with these examples of women who seem to have it all together. They are flawless almost effortlessly. They seem to be leading charmed lives. Of course, I know it can't be all roses but how is it that they can still get up and live (what seems like) these phenomenal lives even as their lives are falling spectacularly to pieces? I mean come on! Why is it that I am reduced to tears, barely able to pull myself out of bed in the morning, and yet these SUPERWOMEN can get it all done in SPITE of their trials? ITS NOT FAIR! But we've established that already haven't we?
Well I've always worn my heart on my sleeve. If I'm upset, you know it. And, it isn't pretty! This has proven to be a good and bad thing (although lately more bad than good). Really I just want to be one of those 'I have it all together' chicks that seem to be following and mocking me! So here it is...my golden nugget: I am grateful that I have so many wonderful examples of SUPERWOMEN to aspire to be. I just might get there someday.
Seriously, it seems that I am constantly being bombarded with these examples of women who seem to have it all together. They are flawless almost effortlessly. They seem to be leading charmed lives. Of course, I know it can't be all roses but how is it that they can still get up and live (what seems like) these phenomenal lives even as their lives are falling spectacularly to pieces? I mean come on! Why is it that I am reduced to tears, barely able to pull myself out of bed in the morning, and yet these SUPERWOMEN can get it all done in SPITE of their trials? ITS NOT FAIR! But we've established that already haven't we?
Well I've always worn my heart on my sleeve. If I'm upset, you know it. And, it isn't pretty! This has proven to be a good and bad thing (although lately more bad than good). Really I just want to be one of those 'I have it all together' chicks that seem to be following and mocking me! So here it is...my golden nugget: I am grateful that I have so many wonderful examples of SUPERWOMEN to aspire to be. I just might get there someday.
Friday, January 16, 2009
So it Begins...
Life can really suck sometimes. The economy is crap, people are losing their jobs left and right and I am having a REALLY bad hair day! It would be easy to sink into in a endless abyss of despair....who could blame you? Still, somehow among the muck and mire life goes on. SO, we had better make the best of it! Hence, 'Think Golden' was created! This is just a regular gal's attempt at making lemonade out of lemons. Once a day (I'll try my best) I will find ONE thing to be positive about...ONE thing to be thankful for...ONE golden nugget to hold on to. Living my life like its GOLDEN, one day at a time.
So here it is...the first ray of sunshine: Today I am thankful that I have wonderful friends who send me little notes of encouragement, just because! You girls rock!
Stay tuned....
So here it is...the first ray of sunshine: Today I am thankful that I have wonderful friends who send me little notes of encouragement, just because! You girls rock!
Stay tuned....
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