Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Teabagging It!

Ok, ok get your mind's out of the gutter! I'm actually referring to the many benefits of tea! I felt this post was important considering that we are right in the middle of flu season and I know at least 3 people battling with it now. Not to mention I have had my share of stomach ailments lately and I am plain sick of it! Also, I don't like taking a lot of medications! Don't get me wrong...I do take them...I just think that we would all be healthier if we relied more on living healthy lives and natural remedies. (Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and would never discourage someone to ignore the advice of a health care professional). Having said that...there are alternatives that I myself have used and have found to be effective! And, you guessed it, one of those alternatives is tea!

So, as I have said, lately I have been suffering from stomach ailments ranging from gas to nausea! No fun! As for over the counter meds...I have tried them all! Gas X, Pepto Bismol, you name it! They worked for a while, but never lasted. Now, I have known for quite some time that ginger is effective for treating nausea so I tried ginger tea! Voila....nausea gone! And so was the gas! I've also been known to suck on peppermints to get rid of that icky stomach feeling...and guess what peppermint tea works just as well!

But this stuff doesn't just work on stomach problems...there are many different benefits of tea, many of which are great for the flu and the common cold. So, I implore you, do a little bit of research and discover for yourself the benefits of tea! At best, you'll find something that really works for you...and if not, hey it's tea! What harm can it do?!

Golden Nugget: Today I am thankful for natural remedies that work! Nature...who knew?!

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